Rep. Ross Spano visits Power-Pole headquarters
News & Press ReleasesUnited States representative Ross Spano got a personal tour of the JL Marine Systems, Inc. facilities to see how Power-Pole Shallow Water Anchors are manufactured during his small business tour on Wednesday.
After the tour, which was led by JL Marine vice president Robert Shamblin, Spano remarked how the model for handling the rapid expansion, especially over the last ten years, is something that should be emulated and looked up to by other businesses.
“I’m blown away,” Spano said. “What an amazing success story right here in Tampa.”
Spano personally greeted nearly all of the company’s 125 employees during the tour. He was quick to notice the family-like atmosphere and the importance the company places on its employees.

“The people that are here have been here for a while in most cases and I think that’s the sign of a very successful business,” Spano said. “Every successful business knows that you have to make your employees happy and that it has to be a family environment for it to succeed and I think they have done that here.”
Throughout the month of August, Spano, who represents Florida’s 15th District, has been learning firsthand what issues are affecting small business owners the most and to identifying sensible solutions that can help owners grow their businesses. As a member of the House Small Business Committee, Representative Spano is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight, and Regulations and sits on the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access.

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