Angler Profile: Jimmy Houston
ProfilesJimmy Houston needs no intro. With his unabashed laughter and vibrant enthusiasm for all things fishing, you can hear Jimmy coming a mile away. For a living legend in the industry for over 50 years, you would think he’s seen a few things. Here are a few snippets from a recent chat with the man.
How has Power-Pole helped your fishing?
“I’ve been using a Power-Pole Shallow Water Anchor since the first year it came out. I remember bass fishing in Del Rio, Texas, on Lake Amistad and saw Shaw Grigsby had one on. I was like, “What is that thing?” and saw how it helped Shaw anchor down easily. I immediately got back to dock and called Robert Shamblin right then and there to get one on the boat. Now I use it every day. I have two on each of my Rangers.”
How do you specifically use the Power-Pole Shallow Water Anchor?
“I anchor up in shallow water, and the boat stabilizes. The best advantage I find is that you can anchor up and make that same exact cast at that same exact angle every time with different baits. That’s the key. Put the pole down and work that same angle where I know fish are without moving an inch. It’s a critical part of my fishing equipment. You can pinpoint spots and duplicate the same casting angle — that’s the main benefit for me.”

What’s the biggest change in bass fishing since the ’80s?
“It’s gotta be the electronics. The young guys who were born into holding electronics in their hands are able to figure it out quicker than me. It gives them an edge we didn’t have — the technology is natural to them. Also, there’s been a big evolution in hooks. Hooks are chemically sharpened right out of the package, and you don’t need to sharpen them manually like we used to do. The prices are crazy now. What we spent for 50-hook packs, you pay the same for 5-hook packs now.”
Greatest accomplishment?
“Without a doubt, it’s raising a family that loves to fish and hunt. I’ve got great grandchildren now that are into it every day. But my greatest professional accomplishment is winning Angler of the Year twice — in 1976 and 1986 — and being on national TV for 43 years. To be recognized as the top angler in all the industry is a great feat. I’m looking to get it one more time!”
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