Written by J. Scott Butherus on February 7, 2020
Down Time Live: Capt. Rick Murphy and fishing cold fronts
Down Time . PodcastsCaptain Rick Murphy of the Florida Insider Fishing Report talks about how to successfully find fish on the Florida flats when the weather turns cold.
Written by Power-Pole Staff on September 10, 2019
Power-Pole Down Podcast: Checking in with Capt. C.A. Richardson – Ep. 14
PodcastsPower-Pole Down talks to Power-Pole’s Pro-Staff member Capt. C.A. Richardson about his successful tarpon season. Louisiana fishing adventures, Conservation and the new plans for Flats Class TV.

Written by Power-Pole Staff on April 23, 2019
Tarpon Tactics with Capt. C.A. Richardson
Angler TipsAs late spring blends into early summer, Florida’s tarpon season is sliding into full swing. Power-Pole ambassador Captain C.A. Richardson is prepared to do battle with poons.
Written by Power-Pole Staff on March 18, 2018
Power-Pole Down Podcast: Tarpon Fever & Power-Poles – Ep. 3
PodcastsPower-Pole Down with Host Mark Zona talks with the Host of Flats Class TV Capt. C.A. Richardson about the upcoming tarpon season and using Power-Pole products to become a better angler.